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Australasian Native Orchid Society
(Geelong Group) Inc.

Coming Up

It is important that you register with the activity organiser so that you can be kept informed of any changes to arrangements.

11/12/24 - December Meeting

Christmas Get-together at the Great Western Hotel.

??/01/25 - Field Trip

Potential field trip to Cooriemungle.

12/02/25 - February Meeting

Speaker and Presentation Topic TBA.

Other Upcoming Activities

ANOS Geelong members are welcome to attend ANOS Victoria field trips and conservation activities.
Information on upcoming activities is available on the ANOS Victoria Activities page.


ANOS Geelong members Everett Foster OAM and Margaret MacDonald have compiled a field guide on the "Orchids of the Anglesea District".

Caleana major

Orchids of the Anglesea District

Orchids of the Anglesea District

Orchids of the Anglesea District - Fourth Edition

This is the 4th edition of this popular Field Guide which has been completely revised by Margaret MacDonald. This book details all known native orchids of the Anglesea district, with a colour photograph, name derivation, description, flowering time, local habitat and local conservation status.  It has a complete new format.

The author hopes it will encourage visitors to Anglesea, as well as orchid enthusiasts, to support efforts to preserve areas where orchids are found. All funds from the sale of this book are channelled back into conservation within the area.

Price: A$30.00

Postage & Packing within Australia: A$10.00

Caleana minor


If you are interested in purchasing the Field Guide "Orchids of the Anglesea District (Fourth Edition)" please contact ANGAIR.