ANOS Vic. Logo

Australasian Native Orchid Society
(Geelong Group) Inc.

Coming Up

It is important that you register with the activity organiser so that you can be kept informed of any changes to arrangements.

12/02/25 - February Meeting

Neil Anderton presenting "Repotting Terrestrial Orchids".

12/03/25 - March Meeting

Speaker and presentation topic to be advised.

Other Upcoming Activities

ANOS Geelong members are welcome to attend ANOS Victoria field trips and conservation activities.
Information on upcoming activities is available on the ANOS Victoria Activities page.


The Australasian Native Orchid Society (Geelong Group) Inc., is an organisation of both amateur and professional orchid enthusiasts dedicated to the cultivation, conservation and scientific study of native orchids in the Australasian region.

We are one of many groups which operate throughout the region under the ANOS parent body.  We are a society with over 100 members and organise trips and conservation activities in Geelong and surrounding areas of Victoria.

Pterostylis stricta

Our Objectives

ANOS (Geelong Group) Inc. promotes the appreciation, culture, propagation and scientific knowledge of the native orchids of Australasia; encourages the propagation of endangered orchid species of our region; promotes the conservation of the orchids of Australasia in their native habitats; and discourages the destruction of their environment.

Dendrobium X gracillum

What We Do

ANOS Geelong holds formal meetings once a month, where members can display their Australasian orchids, listen to learned speakers on various orchid related topics and discuss aspects of orchid culture and conservation.

Apart from our regular meetings and activities we publish a monthly Bulletin, which reports on our previous activities and upcoming events as well as containing articles on our orchids and their culture.

Thelymitra merraniae

Our Emblem

Thelymitra merraniae (Merran's Sun Orchid), is an orchid thought to have become extinct until its rediscovery in 1992. Growing in Anglesea this orchid is one of the most endangered orchids growing within the Geelong group's region. Its vulnerability reinforces the commitment ANOS Geelong has towards the conservation of our native orchids.