Caladenia cretacea search, Stuart Mill.
Sylvia Kappl presenting "Sarcochilus and Friends".
Learn the techniques of growing terrestrial orchids from seed.
Hosted by George & Fran Byrne-Dimos, topic Sarcochilus falcatus.
Diuris fragrantissima site maintenance, Sunshine.
Caladenia searches around St Arnaud and Heathcote.
Diuris fragrantissima site maintenance, Laverton.
Spider orchid searches, Eastern Victoria.
Diuris fragrantissima site maintenance, Sunshine.
Australasian orchid displays, orchid sales and orchid related art.
Guest speaker and presentation topic to be advised.
Receive the information packed Bulletin dedicated to Australasian native orchids
If you are a new member you can learn how to grow Australian orchids from experienced growers.
Participate in the Tuber Bank.
Join us on field trips to find and photograph Australian native orchids.
Listen to Australia's most renowned speakers on Australian orchids at our monthly meetings.
Visit epiphyte growers shadehouses to see their collections and find out what works for them.
Purchase orchids from our sales bench at the monthly meetings.
Join us in conserving our precious orchids
Use our facilities to learn the techniques of growing orchids from seed.
ANOS VICTORIA MEMBERSHIPAs a member of ANOS Victoria you are entitled to attend our monthly meetings, as well as participate in all the group activities planned throughout the year. You will also receive eleven copies of our Bulletin electronically each year. Many of our members join just to receive the Bulletin. Members are also able to purchase our publication "Cultivation of Australian Native Orchids" at a discount. |
Membership FeesYou may join ANOS Vic. as an individual member or a family. Membership fees are due in January each year and are payable in Australian dollars. Banking details can be obtained by downloading the ANOS Victoria Membership Form.
How do I Join?Download a PDF copy of the ANOS Victoria Membership Form. Print out the membership form, fill in your application details and send it to our secretary. Post the membership form to: For further information about joining ANOS Victoria, or to email your completed membership form, contact our Membership Secretary . |