Caladenia cretacea search, Stuart Mill.
Sylvia Kappl presenting "Sarcochilus and Friends".
Learn the techniques of growing terrestrial orchids from seed.
Hosted by George & Fran Byrne-Dimos, topic Sarcochilus falcatus.
Diuris fragrantissima site maintenance, Sunshine.
Caladenia searches around St Arnaud and Heathcote.
Diuris fragrantissima site maintenance, Laverton.
Spider orchid searches, Eastern Victoria.
Diuris fragrantissima site maintenance, Sunshine.
Australasian orchid displays, orchid sales and orchid related art.
Guest speaker and presentation topic to be advised.
Myrtle Rust is the fungus Uredo rangelii. It has recently been found in Victoria for the first time and poses a threat to Victoria's nursery, forestry and beekeeping industries, as well as to public parks and gardens and native forests. It can potentially attack all species of the Myrtaceae plant family.
Myrtle Rust is a native of tropical South America and was initially discovered in Australia near Gosford, NSW in April 2010. It has the ability to spread like wildfire as the spores can be transported by plant material, humans, animals, clothing, wind, water, equipment, vehicles etc.
It has already established itself across coastal NSW, into Queensland and has recently been discovered at several sites around Melbourne. There is no known remedy to this problem.
Myrtle rust attacks young, soft, actively growing leaves, shoot tips and young stems, as well as fruits and flower parts of susceptible plants.The first signs of myrtle rust infection are tiny raised spots that are brown to grey, often with red-purple haloes. Up to 14 days after infection, the spots produce masses of distinctive yellow/orange spores.Severe rust disease in young trees may kill shoot tips, resulting in an overall decline in health of the host plant.
To see examples of Myrtle Rust please click on the following link. "What does Myrtle Rust Look Like?" .
Myrtle rust has been found on over 150 Myrtaceae species.
Myrtaceae includes:-
Gum Trees (Eucalyptus)
Bottlebrush (Callistemon, Melaleuca)
Tea Tree (Leptospermum)
Lilly Pilly (Syzygium, Acmena, Waterhousea)
Paperbark (Melaleuca)
Myrtle (Backhousia)
Guava (Psidium)
Midyim (Austromyrtus)
Rose Apple (Syzygium)
Brush Box (Lophostemon)
New Zealand Christmas Bush (Metrosideros)
Orchids are not known to be directly affected at this stage, although Chiloglottis species are known to be susceptible to other rusts. However Myrtle Rust can be devestating to native orchid environments which could ultimately lead to habitat loss.
Do not touch, move or collect suspect plant material.
Do not go to another site with any host materials.
Decontaminate youself, clothes, vehicle and equipment.
Contact DPI on the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline 1800-084-881 to notify them of the location.
Do not send any suspect plant material to the Herbarium or Botanic Gardens for identification.
MERCHANDISEANOS Vic. sells publications on Australasian Native Orchid Cultivation and other orchid related material. All merchandise is available to members and the general public. All proceeds go towards running the Society and helping to fund conservation projects. |
CONACultivation of Australian Native Orchids. Second Edition (Nickname CONA)This 96 page publication contains valuable information for both the epiphyte and terrestrial grower of Australian orchids. The information is complemented by full colour pictures and diagrams. It covers topics such as, containers and mounts, potting and potting mixes, orchid houses, growing conditions, watering, fertilizing, propagation, pests and diseases, hybrids and orchid descriptions. Price: Members A$15.00 plus A$5.00 Postage & Packing (within Australia) Price: Non-members A$20.00 plus A$5.00 Postage & Packing (within Australia) |
Month by Month Guides
BadgesANOS Victoria BadgeProudly display your support for ANOS Victoria. Adorn your lapel, hat, backpackpack etc. and impress your friends at the same time. These solid metal badges display the society emblem Calochilus richiae. They come in Green and Gold with a sturdy metal clip and will last a lifetime. Price: A$5.00 each |
EnquiriesIf you are interested in purchasing any of the above products please E-Mail your enquiry to Stan Harper. |