ANOS Vic. Logo

Australasian Native Orchid Society
(Victoria Group) Inc.

Coming Up

1/09/24 - Conservation Group

Caladenia cretacea search, Stuart Mill.

6/09/24 - September Meeting

Sylvia Kappl presenting "Sarcochilus and Friends".

7/09/24 - Terrestrial Seed Group

Learn the techniques of growing terrestrial orchids from seed.

8/09/24 - Epiphyte Study Group

Hosted by George & Fran Byrne-Dimos, topic Sarcochilus falcatus.

9/09/24 - Conservation Group

Diuris fragrantissima site maintenance, Sunshine.

14-15/09/24 - Orchid Stewards Group

Caladenia searches around St Arnaud and Heathcote.

17/09/24 - Conservation Group

Diuris fragrantissima site maintenance, Laverton.

21-23/09/24 - Conservation & Terrestrial Study Groups

Spider orchid searches, Eastern Victoria.

23/09/24 - Conservation Group

Diuris fragrantissima site maintenance, Sunshine.

28 & 29/09/24 - Annual Spring Show

Australasian orchid displays, orchid sales and orchid related art.

4/10/24 - October Meeting

Guest speaker and presentation topic to be advised.


ANOS Vic. sells publications on Australasian Native Orchid Cultivation and other orchid related material.  All merchandise is available to members and the general public.

All proceeds go towards running the Society and helping to fund conservation projects.

Dendrobium Tyabb No 5


Cultivation of Australian Native Orchids. Second Edition (Nickname CONA)

This 96 page publication contains valuable information for both the epiphyte and terrestrial grower of Australian orchids.  The information is complemented by full colour pictures and diagrams.

It covers topics such as, containers and mounts, potting and potting mixes, orchid houses, growing conditions, watering, fertilizing, propagation, pests and diseases, hybrids and orchid descriptions.

Price: Members A$15.00 plus A$5.00 Postage & Packing (within Australia)

Price: Non-members A$20.00 plus A$5.00 Postage & Packing (within Australia)

Diuris pallens

Month by Month Guides

Epiphyte Month by Month Guide
Epiphyte Month by Month Guide

This booklet covers what you need to do in the epiphyte orchid house each month of the year. The information complements the publication "Cultivation of Australian Native Orchids".

Price: A$5.00 ($7.00 with Postage & Packaging in Australia)

Terrestrial Month by Month Guide
Terrestrial Month by Month Guide

This booklet covers what you need to do in the terrestrial orchid house each month of the year. The information complements the publication "Cultivation of Australian Native Orchids".

Price: A$5.00 ($7.00 with Postage & Packaging in Australia)

Thelymitra benthamania


ANOS Badge Green
ANOS Victoria Badge

Proudly display your support for ANOS Victoria.  Adorn your lapel, hat, backpackpack etc. and impress your friends at the same time.

These solid metal badges display the society emblem Calochilus richiae.  They come in Green and Gold with a sturdy metal clip and will last a lifetime.

Price: A$5.00 each

Prasophyllum pruinosum


If you are interested in purchasing any of the above products please E-Mail your enquiry to Stan Harper.